Fundraising for Philippines – We Are a Human Family

blogimage2How do you experience yourself responding to a visual image of what looks like a boundless field of prairie grasses bent over by the force of the wind, against a similarly infinite expanse of the wide open sky? Does it look bleak, isolated, even threatening, with no human shelter in sight? Would you feel vulnerable standing in such a field? Would you sense absence or presence of life? Conversely, would you feel a sense of freedom in such openness, that anything is possible under the warmth of the life-giving sun? Would you instinctively sense that there are forces of life unseen, both in the world of Nature and within your own being?

The prairie scene in the flyer below shows the scene of a transformative day in the life of Everett Soop. He walked into that field, carrying in his heart the wound of isolation, and the bleakness of life. Yet he later walked through that field home again, not just to his physical homestead. But, more importantly, he carried an awareness of the unseen force of life awakened within him, to confront a life of adversity that formerly felt overwhelming. My film Soop on Wheels illustrates Everett’s perseverance to transcend adversity in the timeless and universal `hero’s journey’.

tenacity of spirit flyer

Such is the tenacity of the human spirit that the people of the Philippines are called to awaken within themselves, to confront unspeakable devastation. For, regardless, they too must call upon their inner strength to survive, indeed, to prevail, following Typhoon Haiyan.

They cannot rebuild their lives alone, however, whether outer or inner. As a human family, we all are called, sooner or later, to give our loving support to each other wherever the need arises on our small yet fragile planet.

Aside from our prayers, donations are essential to help people rebuild their lives, to restore homes and communities, to assure the availability again of clean water and nourishing food, to heal not just wounded bodies yet, moreover, traumatized souls and hearts broken from losing loved ones and everything familiar to them.

I will add a few more insights to this blog post in the coming days. First of all, however, I continue to spend most hours travelling locally to post flyers in the public spaces of many towns in two rural counties.

For people who cannot attend my above-mentioned event, the Canadian Red Cross has set up a portal page on its website for my film event. I invite you to consider making a pledge there.

Please know that you can make donations to this portal page up to, but not including, December 23rd. The Canadian federal government then is matching all donations made to charities such as the Canadian Red Cross that are submitted up to December 23rd.

Meanwhile, thank you so much to folks who are considering donations, and who already have expressed their compassion and generosity to help the people of the Philippines in this most challenging time of need.

Please Note: Every penny of donations at my event, and also given through my portal on the Canadian Red Cross website, will go to the Typhoon Haiyan Fund.

The donation box on my blog post here already existed, and is separate, intended to help me with my private circumstances.

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